Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day 2009

Boxing Day has arrived and with it some quiet time.

I am attempting to add a Christmas Day album to our blogsite. Good practise for our trips to come.

It was a quiet Christmas. Just Danielle, Dan and I early in the day but much busier when David, Jen and Alexis arrived. We had a good family time and enjoyed having a small one in our midst again.

Wishing you all the best of your holiday season!


Monday, December 21, 2009

I have retired! I can finally join Dan in the routine day to day. We can do the unplanned! And make plans for some pretty exciting travels.

We got a new truck in the summer and took a test run to a Porter Family reunion in northern Saskatchewan. It makes a big difference towing the trailer and we are looking forward to pointing it south and heading for Florida in March.

We are having a quiet family Christmas and it is great being able to prepare in the daytime and not just after work. It has not made me any more efficient. I seem to think I have lots of time and fill it with too much!

We had a lovely day introducing our grandaughter, Alexis, to the joy of choosing the Christmas tree. The women went to the tree farm and chose trees for three families, cut them down and hauled them back to the truck. Then enjoyed roasting Hot dogs over the bon fire and sipping on warm apple cider.

January 3rd we will leave for Hong Kong and the Philippines. We will spend four days at the Langham Hotel in Kowloon and explore that fascinating city.

Then on to Negros in the Philippines for two months of “winter” in Dan’s brother’s garden.

I plan to blog as we travel so tune in to see what we are up to. Updates may be intermittent depending on availability of the internet.