Sunday, February 7, 2010

Touring Negros - Wellbeach

Tuesday, February 2nd;

The next morning we breakfasted at the hotel and had a leisurely start for Dumagete less than 50 Km away.

Our first stop was to be the Centrop Botanical Garden. On the map it appears to border EJ Blanco Drive. We drove up and down and up and down but saw no evidence it existed. We did see the Sidlakang Negros Villages. A very nicely designed area with a cabana for each of the cities of Negros. The area opens at certain times of the year as an exposition of the wares for each area. Most were closed now but we did visit those that were open. I was particularly taken by beautifully decorated purses made of Pandanas fibre but I could not imagine how to get one home without damage.

Once more down the drive to the waterfront and we were in downtown Dumagete very quickly. We stopped again for a cold drink and walked up to the square and the cathedral. We took some pictures, particularly of the coral block tower built in the mid 1700’s. It is still in use as a shrine but has a very definite lean. We made a short detour to the public market - just long enough to buy plastic bags from a vendor for 2 pesos. It had started to rain and our cameras were unprotected. It did not last and we continued our walkabout heading back to the waterfront.

You do see the unexpected when you tour on foot. This time we the firehall got our attention with an old Isuzu fire engine. A fireman invited us in to see an even more unique engine further back. A three wheeler! Both engines were part of Japanese reparations to the Philippines in the 1950’s. The Isuzu was Engine Number 1 and is still in use today.

We walked back along the waterfront to the Bethel Hotel where we had parked and headed on our way. We planned to have a nice lunch at the Wellbeach resort and a quiet afternoon on the beach. Steve and Kathy were to meet us there as well. As usual the men rested or sat around visiting and nursing a San Miguel while the women took to the pool!

This hotel is owned by a Swiss man and his wife. It is down a hidden right of way between some lovely private properties. You really need to watch for the sign! It is lovely and quiet, well kept and again an unbelievable bargain by Canadian standards - 1500 Pesos ($30.00 CAD) a night.
Dinner and then breakfast in the restaurant overlooking the beautiful gardens and bay beyond - it was hard to leave but our next stop was another beautiful beach and we had a longer drive so on we went.

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