Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Road Trip 2010

Tuesday, March 30;

We are on a road trip!

We have gotten off to a slow start. We ordered a canopy for the truck and then had to wait for it to arrive. That made preparation more relaxed. Maybe too relaxed as we are finding many things missing.

We were loading all day Monday and stopped for dinner when David arrived for a good-bye visit. Then one more trip to the house and finally back to the trailer to fall into our cozy bed. The rain was making peaceful music on the roof. The air was winter cold making a down feather bed topped with a down duvet a very welcome nest. I wonder how many days before we trade for the summer blankets?

It was hard to get up in the morning but Dan turned on the heat for me. The water tastes terrible! So does anything I make with it - broccoli for dinner, cream of wheat for breakfast, tea or coffee. I ate my cereal and covered the taste by following it with a Hot Cross bun. We will need to rinse out the tanks and fill it a few more times. Meanwhile use other water for consumption.

The fridge has gone out again when turned to gas - now the stove is out too. O.K. we started out with one propane tank empty. Once we switch tanks all is well. Did David jinx us by asking about how long a tank would last? :-)

After breakfast all is cleaned up and put away. Dan hooks up and we are ready to go. The rain stops momentarily and a watery sunbeam warms my back as I take our departure pictures. A clump of daffodils blooms at our site and cherry trees scatter blossoms on the roadways. It is 9:15 AM and we are on the road!

We took the freeway to the Aldergrove exit and cross the border north of Lynden. It is unusually busy and we spend a half hour in line. The American customs agent asks easy questions and is happy with our answers so on we go.

We stopped at the Costco center where there was a Washington Mutual Bank now Chase Manhattan. We stop to update our accounts and find we will not have bank cards until we reach Florida. Ours are set to expire and the replacements are probably in the mail - to Coquitlam. Erin orders new ones that will wait for us in Orlando.

Next we try to use our Bank of America credit card to buy fuel and find it has a pin I can’t remember. Hopefully we can straighten that one out as well. Good thing someone invented money!

Dan is feeling fine and we keep going to Kelso along the Columbia River in southern Washington. A mile off the highway we find the Brookhollow RV Park. It is very peaceful and tidy but we have arrived 20 minutes late. The office closes at 6:00 PM. We can park in the open spaces and register in the morning. But the office will not open until 9:00 AM and we wanted to be on the road early… Add to that we don’t have the combination for the washrooms etc. nor do we have the logon for Wifi. We can do without all that. A pleasant walk along the dyke, a nice dinner and an early night will do just fine.

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