Saturday, January 16, 2010

Anna's New House

Friday, January 15th;
Today is a quiet day at home. We have no plans so will see how the day unfolds.

I spent the morning sitting on the deck typing and watching the activity around me. Dan, Leroy and Caesar are taking down trees, moving rocks and digging a new flower bed for the Anthiriums.

Riza keeps busy in the house and weeding the garden.

Dan made the big discovery of the day. Hunter is a young female cat. When we left for the volcano Wednesday, she was pregnant. When we returned she was not. Dan has found her hiding place in a large hollow of a tree by the main house. The kittens are clearly visible.
Riza went for a look and I followed. Riza talked to Hunter gently as we watched and she did not seem to mind at all. She lay relaxed with her babies squirming around her. The day was drizzling and Riza was worried that the hollow would get very wet as it was open to the rain. She built a shelter above the little family and they have stayed dry during the downpour that followed.

The next big event of the day was moving building supplies for Anna’s new house. Anna’s current house in the village has a definite lean and no door to secure it. If all of the family is out at the same time it is possible for food to go missing. Leroy has given her 6 straight, sixteen foot poles for her corner posts and wall supports. Today she took two more logs to be milled for floor supports. The floor itself will be bamboo. We have a nice new bathroom in our cottage and she now has a second hand toilet in good working condition for her new house. A steady income will allow her to purchase the other materials she will need and friends in the village will help in construction. One is the man who brought his water buffalo to drag the logs to the home site. Anna is very capable and she helped to hook up the yoke and attach her logs for the short journey.

Each day brings a new and interesting peek into this unfamiliar world even without leaving Calibago.

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